Kalu Kumale, known for his meticulously crafted wrathful deities, has a humble demeanor that belies the rage and indignation his creations evoke. His journey as an artist began when a friend sold his clay birds, leading him to make more.
His son, Rakesh Awale, is considered the reason behind Kumale's success as an "Angry Sculptor." Together, they have built a thriving business, exporting over 500 handcrafted deities to countries such as Tibet, Thailand, Malaysia, the UK, and the US. Some of his renowned creations include Mahasambhara Hangriva, Heruka, a 76-cm-high Vajrayogini, and a 15-feet Maitry Manjushree.
Kumale worked alongside Sangha Ratna Shakya for 26 years before Rakesh took over, starting Kalu's Arts & Handicrafts. The father-son relationship is genuine and priceless, with Rakesh knowing his father's stories like his own memories.
Kalu Kumale's devotion to his craft is remarkable, as he becomes blind to the world while working on a piece. He believes hard work, not talent, is the ultimate reality for an artist. Though he does not view himself as a man with a special gift, his skill and dedication have made him an indelible figure in the history of Nepalese craftsmen.
Kalu Kumale's father was a farmer who, like his neighbors, made earthenware pots during the quieter seasons. Kalu, as a child, played with clay and, like oth...